Mountain avens

Today's the day ........................ for a rare edition

This gorgeous little plant grows in the rockery in my back garden.

You would normally find it growing on limestone in arctic-alpine regions of the world. In Great Britain it occurs in the Pennines, at two locations in Snowdonia and more widely in the Scottish Highlands; in Ireland it occurs on The Burren and a few other sites. Apparently it is Iceland's national flower. Its posh name is Dryas octopetala which comes from the Greek octo (eight) and petalon (petal), referring to the eight petals of the flower.

So how come mine's got nine?

Do you think it's the same as with rare stamps that have some little oddity that make them worth lots of money? I could sell the seed and make my fortune. Or more likely - it's just Mother Nature having a larf ..................

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