Pulling Faces

We arrived at Bags house this morning and although I got "Hello Grandad" shouted at me as I opened the front door - he was not for lifting his eyes from a film.

SWMBO had to nip down to the hospital to have a machine attached to her to record her heart ..... for 5 days.
It looks like a cross between pendant, a panic alarm and a pacemaker - very fetching.

While she was out Squirrel sat with me and played with the elephant glasses (she hasn't quite got the hang of wearing them properly), balls, tractors and her brothers camera.
All the while she was singing, grunting and growling.
She was a hoot ............. especially when she spotted the window cleaners next door. It was as if she was challenging their right to be there (the blip was taken as she watched them).

During the day she suddenly seemed to realise that she could actually stand by herself and actually took a couple of steps by herself from standing - that was a first.
But apparently she did walk a bit for her Mum this evening which is great.

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