
By annabelrosewats

Hunchback chilly picker

Lazy morning. For breakfast we put condensed milk on our toast which is a pretty good invention! We both read our books for a long time. Headed out and bought a couple of things. I bought a small machete for Harry and I also got a small parasol to take home. For lunch we had rice and noddles, classic dishes! We met Lotta and a Chinese girl with her in a little shop. Lotta told us that Anna is
ill. First saw them on the bus from Bagan. We organized to meet up in the evening at our pancake place. Morag is trying hard to catch up with her diary. She is on the 4th at the moment and done 5 pages for it. The 4th was such a long day! Went out at 7 to our restaurant to met up with the two girls. Was a nice evening. The Chinese girl (still can't remember her) said we could possibly stay with her if we go to China which is really sweet of her. Walked back past the stray dogs again. We both left our bags and went straight to bed. Going to pack tomorrow!

Picture is on our last day of trekking of an old lady with a hunchback from picking chillies all her life.

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