The Bandstand

As we only have one car, I'm currently Alan's taxi service to and from work for the time being. He's planning on buying a scooter/moped to get to work on as it'll be easier in the traffic than getting a second car, but he needs to take a test first so he can get a bike with a bigger engine. And as I need the car during the day, it makes sense for me to drop him off and pick him back up. It's not a problem as the gym is in the same direction and most of the classes that I want to do are in the mornings.

Also, while the weather's great, it gives me a good reason to go out and about with my camera looking for blips. So after dropping him off I parked up and walked along the beach - it was lovely and warm, and it was early enough that there weren't many people around. I walked up to the Bandstand which is close to the border of Brighton & Hove, as I'd seen it last week when we went to the quiz night, and thought it would make a good blip.

When I got there, there was a 'cherry picker' with a man doing maintenance work to the roof, so I was a little disappointed as I thought I'd walked all that way for nothing. Anyway, I took a few close up shots and managed to cut the machine and the guy off, but fortunately he soon finished what he was doing and moved out of sight, so I quickly took this photo before he came back.

It's a lovely structure which was built in 1884 and recently underwent a complete restoration programme. It's considered to be one of the finest examples of a Victorian bandstand still surviving in England today, and apparently it can be hired as a wedding venue overlooking the sea. Below it there's a cafe/bistro where you can have anything from breaksfast or lunch, to champagne - I think I'll have to try it out!

After my walk I headed to the gym to try out Aqua Gym - it was fantastic! We started off doing exercises to music with weights in the water, and then finished off split into two teams and played water volleyball - it was great exercise and lots of fun :-)

Anyway, I'd now better crack on with my mountain of ironing - or make a start on it at least as Alan needs some work shirts! Then I'll take Louis out for his walk before resuming my duties as taxi driver :-)

Hope you're having a good day, and the sun's shining where you are!

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