Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner


Collected the girls from their sleepover. They were tired but they'd appeared to love it and didn't want to leave. Good ol' Shelley. They also came home with Toby's old Buzz Lightyear for L and a lot of sparkly shoes for M that Sophie had grown out of.

Knowing they'd be tired we took them straight out to Stanwick Lakes to avoid them getting grouchy with each other indoors. We played in the park, went on a rowing boat and practiced the assault course. Well they did, I just ate blackberries.

The team work and fear involved in rowing a boat with 5 family members is great. We may have had a little heated debate in the middle of the lake about communication and a few little strops. :-S

Cancelled bootcamp and stayed late while the sun was shining. Won't be many more light evenings left

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