Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

Walking to school

I decided that we would walk to and from school every day unless there was a very good reason not to. This morning all four of us went down. It takes ages to get back, the number of people I have to chat to. We met Linda at the bottom of the Zoar Rd, so we walked up the road with her and the twins. Today, Orla's teacher asked to speak to me. We had forgotten to put her snack in her school bag, and although she had plenty of things in her lunch box she didn't want to eat any of them at snack time because that was her lunch. In the end she had her biscuit, but then got upset again at lunchtime because she had already had her treat. She is definitely a stickler for procedure is Orla. We mustn't forget her snack again tomorrow!

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