
By JacxtheBos

My Lonely Wooden Shoe

Yesterday I took a picture of a pair of wooden shoes that I own. Today it made me think of my very own wooden shoes that I wore when I was five years old.

It was back in 1965 and this was the first and last time I went out for Halloween. All my friends were excited telling me that they were going to be a princess, a ghost, a cowgirl or cowboy, a witch, Frankenstein, or something similar.
When asked what I was going to be I said that I did not know yet.

I knew what I was going out as but not about to tell anyone. My morher had already decided that I was going to be a little Dutch girl.

I look back now and think I was pretty cute with the whole Dutch costume on and real wooden shoes.

We went to exactly three houses. My feet already had blisters and I wouldn't be surprised if there were a splinter or two.

The mext day I told everyone in school that I got sick and couldn't go out.

I never wemt out again.

I was pleased to find that my parents kept my wooden shoe but there was only the one.

Next to the other shoes it looks big.

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