
By Houseonahill6

Tales from the river bank

Well I was totally surprised by what I saw today. As I was watching the beautiful blue dragonflies (southern Hawkers) I spotted movement in the water and yes there right in front of me was a water vole. I think I held my breath as it swam between the reeds and stayed there, There right in front of me, just me and the water vole. I think I would have stayed there for the rest of the afternoon if there had been a bench to sit on.

Water voles are the fastest declining British mammal mainly due to loss of habit and the introduction of the American Mink which were released by 'do gooders' who were against them being used in the fur trade and set them free into the wild.

This pond has been cleared and managed in the last few years with new planting etc. You can see more info here
It has become a haven to wildlife and there were at least 6 hawkers, and possibly a red veined darter and a few Butterflies. Plenty of plant life surrounds the area.

Saw some peacock butterflies today and a small copper. I had lunch at the beach café, yummy summer vegetable soup and then walked along the top path and sat on both of the green benches for about 30 minutes each. Finished with a walk through the fairy glen up to the top pond to see the ducks and then down to what must now be my favourite pond. Stunning day after a total downpour last night and a misty start.

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