
By Houseonahill6

Yankie doodle came to town.

Well today was a day when I could have blipped a 100 things. The morning started with a deer in the field, then a woodpecker on the feeder. This was followed by a willow warbler stunned after hitting the window,the only time I've been able to get a descent shot as it sat still for a few minutes.

After a blood test at the doctors I caught the bus to Rosemarkie. I wanted to get a few pictures of the church. It's being used during the summer but the heating is inadequate so it will not be used in the Winter. A walk along the beach provided further photo opportunities and after sitting on the green bench it was time to head back. I had watched the dolphin boat going around the bay and seen a couple of dolphins jumping near the buoy. A buzzard flew overhead.

I headed along the upper path and stopped as there were some birds swopping into the field catching flies. I was so pleased to see some spotted fly catchers. The first time I have ever seen any.

After a coffee and cake at the beach café with Mike we headed back to Fortrose and Mike popped to the Cromarty bakery for some lunch. While waiting I spotted this young boy on the wall to the Cathedral. Maybe he was disappointed as the icecream Van was n't working ! I was nt going to think back today but after seeing this van it sparked off a conversation in our house as to the music that the vans of our childhood played. I can remember Yankie Doodle, David remembered Green sleeves and Mike remembered The Toni Tune
Parents now tell their children that if the van plays a tune it has run out of icecream ! I'm not sure if this one plays a tune but it sells a lot more than just icecream !

I also remember this road safety advert .Have a look :)

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