Not David Bailey

By emma

Pay Day

It's a wonderful day.
It's pay day!!!
The sun is shining,
The birds are tweeting,
My purse is full.
The fridge is groaning with the weight of all the goodies I've bought.
The bills are paid.
Everyone's cheery at work
And I'm off for the weekend!!
I'm going to read the papers, walk the dog, have a long soak in the bath, go for a drink with friends, have Sunday lunch, and ride my bike.
And do a bit of shopping.
Because it's pay day!!!!
And I can afford to.

I'm starting my weekend off with a lovely vegetable korma with king prawns, rice and peshwari naan bread, and a glass of red wine (or 4). Thought I'd share it with you.

*** I heard the very sad news that the legend that is Sir Bobby Robson passed away today. RIP Sir Bobby. I know a few people who were lucky enough to meet him and they all said that he was a very kind, warm and friendly person, and a gentleman. The world could do with a few more people like him. And Newcastle has been very lucky to have him.

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