Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


the precinct
the movement
of people
at the lowry

Our last day at Salford Quays started with a visit to the Lowry collection, at the building named for him.

Although, like most in the UK, I've been familiar with Lowry's work for much of my life, this was the first time I'd seen so many works together, sketches alongside paintings, a lifetime's work. It struck me that he had a photographer's eye, capturing many fragments of urban life to generate a strong sense of place.

On exiting the galleries we made the most of the sketching resources outside. 5 and 8yo set about their own Lowry inspired drawings, observing life on the precinct below for inspiration. I did the same, but with my camera, and less successfully.

If Lowry had been working today would he have been observing the malls and precincts, the toing and froing outside a gallery?

Later, we headed via Media City over the ship canal to the Imperial War Museum North. We were impressed by its less than imperial tone, its coverage of peace alongside war and its emphasis on the human experience of war. One artefact in particular had resonance for me.

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