NVE .... (Not Very Exciting) ..........

........ but it really satisfies my mini-OCD thingy and ''orderly'' quirk!!!!
(I know the underneath is a tad messy but look at those perfectly lined up flags, street lights and railings - even the shadows got in on the act) - Germans are so wonderfully orderly!!!!!)

Taken in Cologne-Bonn airport today - gorgeous hot weather and not a breath of wind as you can see by the flaccid flags!!

Slightly Taller ...

I am going to bleat (Camera School again) so skip if you are bored!!!

I had no room to take my Nikon today so only a point and shoot in the bag (and I have no idea how to use it except on auto) - there were TONS of things I could have captured in b/w if only ........ if only ........ if only I would have had my Nikon with me - RATS! RATS! RATS! (no, there were no 'real' rats, it's only a term of exasperation) .....

Oh how I lamented, I cried, I sobbed, I threw a tantrum ...... and then I had a beer and a white chocolate Magnum (other ice cream is available) courtesy of Steve (my work colleague - one of the interesting ones!!) and all seemed right with the world - yes, for those of you wondering, I had the beer and the Magnum at the same time!!! Nothing at all wrong with that!!!

So you have flags .................. and I had beer and chocolate (ice cream) and a 20 hour day!!!!

SONY DSC-HX5V : f/11 : 1/125" : 24mm : ISO 125

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