
By Brookeside

Fun times

Today was such a brilliant day. One of those days that make me so glad I didn't have to go back to work full time and get 1 day off a week! Brooke although still full of the cold was in a brilliant mood. She played and ate brilliantly this morning then we went out a walk (proper walk, no buggy taken!) to the shop that ended up detouring past the swing park and of course once we had let her see the swings we had to go in! She had a brilliant time giggling away and leaning back and forward with the swing motion. Then she ate a good bit of her lunch before crashing out within 2 minutes of getting in the car on our way to toddler sense. I let her sleep right up until class was about to start then we went in. She had an absolute ball! She was into everything and really surprised me by racing off to these plastic traffic cones and picking them up and stacking them with no assistance from me! After toddler sense we went to meet the girls and babies at soft play. It was the first time Brooke had been there since she started walking and although a bit reticent at first to go through the tunnels and over the part which was just a rope mesh she ended up making it through the course and to the slide and took great delight in going down it again and again and again and so on ;) I was shattered and had to have a coffee before I could summon the will to go home! Brooke had her dinner (ate loads again) then we got out her crayons and she had a whale of a time until bathtime. It really amazes me the way she is coming on now. She really understands things and can now go and get you the right teddy and bring it back and if you ask her to go find daddy or granny or whoever is in the house off she goes and plays peek a boo or chase with them! Or just giggles her head off once she finds them. She really is just a fantastic little person.

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