
Day started well and improved.

Vodafone rang me at 8am to apologise for the incompetency yesterday, knocked another £5 a month off my tariff and said would have the phone here by tomorrow free of charge.

Post brought my eBay white stuff clothes bundle bargain! £20 for 7 items, all of which I like has to be a result.
Also in the post was all the official paperwork to allow me to move my number plate to my new car.

Hasty calls to grandma / garage / insurance and everything was good to go. We headed to Bourton on the water and collected Ethel VII. She's gorgeous. Then headed into Bourton for something to eat. Charlotte had her lunch in the pushchair as it was past her dinner time.

We walked past a sign for birdland which stated senior special day, discounted rate and free cup of tea! Almost had to hold grandma back.

Birdland was lovely. Charlotte quacked at lots of things, ran around like a mad thing and insisted on trying out nearly all the benches and seats. Saying Sit Down on each of them. The penguins were amazing, you were so close to them. Charlotte actually touched one of the emperor penguins beaks!

Charlotte decided tea was overrated so only really ate a few mouthfuls if it. She did however, demolish a mini milk!

Thank you grandma.

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