Another day, another apple, another NT!

Today started at 4:30
Not great. She came into our room and did settle back to sleep but.....

We then re awoke around 6:50. Slow get up heading downstairs at 8:00. Charlotte took the express route down the stairs and went top to bottom. Luckily she was unhurt just very upset but.......

We had been downstairs for about thirty minutes when there was an uh oh, puddle of the floor. I wasn't cross but.......

Headed to Croome. Had the play park to ourselves once I had got past the NT police who didn't like the fact that the temporary membership card is in Lee's name plus one! you could be anybody?! I did ask them how I would have an email addressed to me if I was just anybody!

We played in the park when Charlotte suddenly announced my teeth hurt. Some ten minutes later Uh Oh. A sad girl came to me saying me poo in my pants.
Once again I didn't mind but.....

Lovely time spent at Croome. Lots of running about and having fun. Had lunch then headed home. Charlotte was asleep by the time we got to the main road. Transferred her to bed where she slept till I woke her. Wom was just happy to have a feed and cuddles.

Baked cakes, played with play doh and generally had a quiet afternoon- daddy home- long weekend ahead.

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