Views of my world

By rosamund


I think it was an exercise in optimism when my downstairs neighbour decided to trim the trees across the road. There is a wee bit of land that belongs collectively to our house, it's very overgrown and each year the trees obscures his view a little more.

It started with one boy armed with a pair of lopers and a phone. He seemed to use the phone more than lopers as he sat distressed on the wall calling for better tools. Next came a chain saw. The phone still saw more action as he sat distressed on the wall calling for a chainsaw that worked.

A few days later there was a chainsaw, a big rope and a man. They made a fair dent in it as you can see but it took them two weeks to figure out what I knew all along..... The tallest trees aren't ours, they belong to the house down the hill whose back slope meets the drop off from our wee bit.

Still, I do love that I can see a wee bit of shore from my window so I can tell what the tide is doing.

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