
By 1bluebell

wrong choice

have you ever had the feeling that when you go out and take the litte camera it was the wrong choice? today that was me. we took a picnic lunch and headed for Bushy {ark again. we also took bread with the intention of feeding the water fowl. No chance surrounded by deer.
we enjoyed lunch uninterrupted but another family didn't. the deer stole some grapes and some sandwiches and wouldn't be shooed away!
Here is a shot of the girls stroking the deer. more here on flickr -3 shots.
more young moor hens. a bit late in the season but there were tiny ones and slightly bigger ones. parents still feeding the tinies but no chance of a good shot with the little panasonic. (wrong choice). saw a few but no chance. by the time the camera took the shot they were no where to be seen!

going to the river tonight to feed the ducks after dinner and the swans too.

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