Maid in Wales

By welshmaid50

Black and White

Went back to the library today and as you all advised me decided to take a photo without asking for permission. I hid behind a bookshelf , took the blip and legged it. When i got outside i forgot i hadn't borrowed the book. Never mind, there is always tomorrow. I am not having a good weekend so far. Our freezer in the kitchen decided to die last night. We managed to salvage most of the contents but had to throw out some of the food. This afternoon we took the waste up our local recycling centre, J parked the car and was disposing of the rubbish in the appropriate bins. All of a sudden, I saw a pheasant walking across the grass opposite. I grabbed my camera and started to take a photo of the bird. A Richard Cranium (dick head ) came up behind me and said, you can't take a photo of a place of work. I said, i'm not i'm taking a photo of the bird. By this time the bird had run away and the officious little git had gone and crawled back under his stone. I was incensed and still am. What is it about me that attracts these jobsworths?

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