Dejected deck chairs.

This morning we went to Porthcawl. The hobby shop is only open on a Friday and Saturday now, as he has a shop in Swansea, and works there during the week. I walked up to Coney Beach while J went to have a chat. There were a lot less people on the beach today as it is so much colder. The tide was out ,and i was going to walk down to the waters edge, but it started to rain, so i didn't bother.I noticed these three deckchairs in the middle of the beach. I would have liked to have placed the green one in the middle, but thought better of it, in case someone came along and claimed them. I think the Bank holiday weather is going to be a wash out. When we got home, our daughter, son-in-law and g/daughter called. It's our daughter's birthday tomorrow , and they are going out ,so we gave her her present and cards. We bought her the latest Marc Jacob perfume, which was a limited edition. she had dropped some heavy hints She was thrilled to bits. We are going to watch a DVD tonight , which i got from the library, called Non Stop, with Liam Neeson. Have a happy weekend.

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