Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

It takes

It takes a great
deal of courage
to see the world
in all its tainted
glory, and still
to love it.

Oscar Wilde

I must say that with all that's going on in the world now, I'm finding it difficult to love it. Well, I might still love our world but not all the crap - to put it mildly - that's going on.
No, the photo hasn't got anything to do with the quote. I found this thing on my way to work this morning and I took a photo of it. Glad I did because after working and being at work for more then 7 hours more this week, then I'm used to, I'm to tired to make any blip efforts tonight. But I managed working 18 hours this week. And this at a place that's so social and so much to do and so many people to meet and talk to, that there's nothing like it. And so much fun. :)

I've been learning kurdish for the last couple of weeks and it's really fun! Just few words and sentences, no grammar, just to be able to say 'hello' and such stuff. It's a beautiful language and I really enjoy listening to it, and trying to speak it. :) But I'm currently mixing the words 'thank you' and 'good' and that makes it a bit strange sometimes... especially if I get a compliment and instead of saying 'thank you' I say 'good'. :D

I do hope all of you have a great weekend and I'll get to reading and commenting journals tomorrow. I know I have some catching up to do.
I know what I'll do this weekend: there's a paper with my name on it that really needs to be corrected and updated. And then I have a pair of trousers to sew and there's going to be great weather this weekend so I want to make a long walk or two.

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