
By EAnnBlair


Well an early blip today. We are going with Plan B. Plan A was Mr EAnn taking an old friend for a flight and for the two flying widows to catch up with each other while they were out to play. Well the weather has put paid to that so we are all going out for lunch instead.
That involves them calling in here first. In turn that involves a bit of emergency cleaning and tidying.
So here we are, Saturday morning 10.30 am and the ironing is done and we're hoovered and dusted. Bizarre.
Even more bizarre was this sight which greeted me when I went to step on the scales. Meet Albert the Newt. He was made for me by a former boyfriend. He was renamed Albert by a college friend. Happy days. Anyway Albert generally lurks around our bedroom but today he's poking out from under the wardrobe apparently guarding the scales.
It wasn't needed. I weigh the same as before we want on holiday.

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