The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Music and photography - not a bad day!

It was lovely weather today - so I left early for the rehearsal, to spend some time by the river.

I was happily taking shots of the swan and the female mallards, when suddenly a shower of bread descended, and mayhem ensued.

'We aren't disturbing you, are we?' .. hmmmm ..

A good morning's rehearsal then off for another stint by the river where I saw LOADS of dragonflies ..

And also the delightful robber fly I've blipped - eating a poor little red ant!

A short afternoon rehearsal then more photography ..

I sat further along the river and was just enjoying watching a reed warbler, when a large grey beast appeared and plopped into the river beside me! All wildlife disappeared instantly .. 'We aren't disturbing you are we?' said the Weimaraner's owners as they caught up with it and proceeded to throw sticks for it ..

So I abandoned all hope of any more photography and just chatted to the very nice people.

As I walked back to my van this barn owl flew by - clasping a ?shrew in its talons ..

Not a bad end to my day!

Pretty disturbing viewed LARGE!! :)

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