wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg

The Silent Sentinel

He watches over Gentleman's Walk, silently, unobserved. Children play, couples bicker, grandparents fondly watch their charges. A group of teens discuss their future piercings and tattoos with the sincerity of funeral directors. A grandmother watches her grandson with a smile. Her grandson glowers at the world, then starts to laugh at something unseen. His grandmother sees the same, and their silence is broken by glee. Old friends sit with newspapers, saying nothing but sharing congenially. A young lady sits down next to them, and starts to chat. Yes, she says, she's new to the city. Yes, she thinks it's wonderful. The friends seem surprised, oblivious to their own comfort in this place.

A family walks by, the children competing to tell the world they want cake. A group of girls giggle past, the dutiful boys following with hope in their eyes. A woman despairs into her phone, there's a man to buy a present for. A man agonises to himself, tripping up the stairs in his gloom. Two children clamber on the sculptures, laughing as they keep their balance. Another points and runs up the stairs.

This custodian has been spotted.

My website of the day is definitely Humans of New York. I felt inspired to get out and talk to people and take photos, but with my dissertation looming today was not the day for inspired wandering. Hopefully soon.

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