wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg

Full of beans

I've been sitting all day, working hard (and occasionally hardly working). By this evening I was very fidgety and full of energy. I probably should have gone for a run before church. Or done some skipping. Or hopped around the block. Or anything really. Instead I twitched my way through the service and gesticulated wildly at people afterwards, in my excitement at talking to real people. Not that chatting to housemates doesn't count. But these were other people.

My evening ended with a cuppa with a new friend, followed by injury comparisons with Heidi our new girl housemate. Much too funny.

Tomorrow I'll make baked beans. And possibly bread, although that's never gone too well for me before. But I have yeast and flour that I need to use before I leave, so it seems an appropriate thing to do.

It's time to try to sleep now. I might need a hot milk.

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