
By Stace91

A Gift?? For Me?

Another long day... I was meant to leave the hospital today at 2 but ended up staying till 7.30 tonight.
An interesting day today, I got talking to one of the other patients in my Nan's room. A lovely lady, telling me about her life and her family. I suppose after seeing me every day for the past week I have become a familiar face.

My parents came back home today after a 2 week holiday. For two weeks I have been going back and forth from the hospital to look after nan, my dog has been fretting my dad so I have had to sleep on the couch and he has been waking me up at 2.30 every morning.... Currently lying in bed!! It has never felt so comfy!

As a thank you gift my mum and dad bought me this jewellery box and a seahorse necklace :-) I said I would have preferred a trip to Ireland because I feel like I deserve a holiday... but I will settle for the jewellery box ;-)

I hope you have all enjoyed your weekend and have a lovely working week

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