
By Stace91

Landscape Figure

After almost getting in a fight with some woman in the car park of the hospital (I'm tired and she was rude...) and spending another long day at the hospital it is nice to be in bed :-)

Nan did great today, she walked a bit further with one person assisting her and she was forming better sentences :-) the doctor said she might be home in 2 weeks :-)

I went for a walk around to the children's hospital today after lunch to let my mum have some alone time with nan. At the front there are a few coloured sculptures and a nice play area for kids, inside the walls are colourful and there are paintings and drawings almost everywhere.

As I was walking around I spotted this in one corner. Made by Peter Taylor it is called the Landscape Figure. I really liked it, it's different and a bit quirky, I think kids would really love it to.

Hopefully after my speech pathologist assistant course I can work there and help the sick kids with their communication it would be quite rewarding.

I hope you're all having a great week and taking care of yourselves :-)


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