There she blows!

Early start. Sun rise at 2.56 (which I didn’t see, needless to say). Breakfast at 6.30 before setting off from Reykjavik by coach to see the “Golden Circle” which includes Thingvellir National Park, Gullfoss waterfall and the Geysir area of hot springs and mud pools, before a view of the city on return to the docks.

The weather was mostly overcast, with occasional showers, which resulted in a poor set of pictures today. We sailed after dinner, but no chance of a sunset snap, as it doesn’t occur until 12.04, but which time I will be fast asleep. All this fresh air and bobbing up and down on the water leaves me comatosed.

I was surprised to see so many horses in the fields. These days they are mostly used for leisure activities. They are original Icelandic stock and if they travel out of the country they cannot return due to the risk of importing disease.

There were very few small stocky cattle and an even smaller number of sheep.

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