
By Shutterup

Haar Haar...

sun .. sun..

I give up with the iphone weather predictor.. it has not got it right once this week!!!! It said it would be sunny today but the bbc forecast said it would start grey and improve.. well we woke to grey and then fog..(where did the sea go again?) and not until around 2 did the sun break through by which time it was so warm and new fog was lifting from the beach and blowing along. When the fog did lift we spotted that the Pub cricket match was on.. you can see it if you look at this picture large. All dressed in their whites they set out the ground on the beach rolling the crease and the match is over when the pitch floods!! Usually a very jolly day down at the Pub.

Friends came for tea and we had full sun (as we do any time they come) (I wonder that I don't force them to come and stay for the full fortnight on occasions!!) and not half an hour after they leave are we back to thick fog and the rolling Haar on the beach again.. ho hum!

Happy Sunday all

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