Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

Anyone for tennis?

I wasn't going to write anything and then last night when I was in bed I remembered something that Olivia had said to me during the day and wanted to record it, so have decided to come back to write it down.

This morning I made pancakes with the kids and during the course of it I gave the kids a cup of water each and Dex immediately dropped his cup and the water went everywhere. I was super calm and patient and a model Mum and told him not to worry as it was an accident and it was only water and could easily be cleaned up. Ten minutes later he did exactly the same thing and instead of being beautifully calm as before, I'm ashamed to say that I told him off and told him he had to be more careful. He clearly wasn't expecting this reaction from me, not surprising as I'd been so calm the first time, and he started crying.
Olivia, observing all of this, looked at me and said (in a very stern voice): "Mummy, remember what you always say to me?"
Confused, I replied "What?"
Olivia: "He's only three!"
She then went and put her arm around him to comfort him. I was literally left open mouthed and felt suitably chastised and all I could manage was a pitiful "sorry."

Sometimes they fight like cat and dog but I can honestly say that most of the time they get on so well and have really started to 'look out' for each other. I love them to bits.

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