Life with K.C.


Introducing Rosie-Puss

A busy day today, I married 2 couples. Then my God-daughter & friend came. My God-daughter is staying for 4 days with us. She's 12 & my children love her so it's like having another pair of hands. Perfect!

Today's Blip is of our Burmese cat called Rosie-Puss. Big daughter named her Rosie & then she is named Puss after my Nan's cat. We've wanted another cat for a while but Mr KC wanted a Burmese as they are so good with children. My lovely Nan died in March & somehow she was able to leave each of us grandchildren some money. So that's how we got Rosie. Three weeks before my Nan died her cat Puss died, hence the name of Rosie-Puss.

Today Rosie was lying in the sun relaxing (what a life) so I went & got my pretend Blip Rosie that was last seen peering through the doll's house window in my first ever on the 24th July. Rosie then decided to eat the toy Rosie! Yesterday's Pink Twin was nearly eaten by a deer & today it's our cat's turn!! (Please excuse the pink stripey carpet, not our choice!)

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