An Avid Lensman

By SarumStroller

Golden Clouds...

From fiery motorbike stunts to a lazy sunrise this morning.

Camera clubs had got me thinking that mere sunrises and sunsets were not really worthwhile, at least not on their own but Blipping daily isn't a photo competition and I was so tired from yesterday's physical workout, that I went back to bed after this shot, sleeping in total for over 12 hours! Guess I must have needed it!

My other plans for photography were pushed aside at just getting through the day comfortably and trying to catch up with Blips so no other shots were taken and so this has to be Blip for today. Lens is Nikkor 16-85mm VR.

Big thanks though to all who helped get my burning inferno Blazing Saddles of yesterday up into the Spotlight, where it is right now.

Everybody in the UK have a great bank holiday Monday tomorrow!

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