Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium


If you're looking at this thinking "looks a bit like an emergency blip to me" then you'd be totally right! One of those days where I've been on the go all day, and lots of things have happened, but nothing really photographable. Lots of boring work stuff like viewing sessions and meetings, and a couple of hours watching the F1.

This evening I met up with my ex for dinner. He's just back from a long holiday in Italy so we haven't chatted for a while, and we caught up on each other's news. He brought me a gift of this bottle of limoncello, which is a bit nicer than the gift I brought him from Switzerland of a chocolate watch! (oops) I thought it would be nice to have a little drink while editing tonight :)

So cheers! (Sláinte! Proost! Salud! Santé! Skål! Salute! ...I hope that covers you all...)

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