Steep Learning Curve

We took a break from trip preparations to go over to the harbor to hear some live music this afternoon -- and after taking three shots, my camera battery died. I'd been deviating from my usual practice of charging it every night or two, so this was the inevitable result. I have a new spare battery, thanks to Phil, but hadn't brought it; he, however, had brought his, so he loaned it to me.

But then his camera battery died. So he took back the loaner.

My iPhone was fully charged, so I took pictures with that. I learned that (1) zooming on an iPhone is not like zooming on my camera; (2) the video button, even though I don't know where it is, is really easy to hit by mistake; (3) my index finger wants to star in my photos; and (4) it's very difficult to see what you're shooting in bright sunshine.

After a restorative cup of tea at home, I reviewed my iPhone photos. The vast majority were rubbish, but this one seemed OK. And then I got stuck in the Camera Roll/Albums/Photo Stream/iPhoto hall of mirrors, and thought I'd never get out again.

I'm going to have to take multiple copies of the complex contortions necessary to move photos around in all this high tech equipment with me when I travel -- and remember to charge my camera battery every day!

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