life is wonderful

By elize22

I See You, ICA

Another successful day of exploring Boston! Crossing another item off of my bucket list, I popped over to the Institute of Contemporary Art to see what they had to offer. I found it to be an interesting museum that was little on the smaller side (artwork on only one floor) that had very hipster looking security guards and fantastic views if Boston Harbor. My favorite pieces in the museum were pen drawings by Barry McGee and the painting above by Matthew Ritchie.

Definite highlight of the day, in part due to its unique nature, was that the ICA was also hosting a round of the Cliff Diving World Championships! So divers from around the world were hurling themselves off a platform on the roof of the museum and into the Boston Harbor. Tons of people showed up to watch and I actually ran into another Wellesley friend there. Amazed is the word of the day! :)

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