Smile on!

By Silverpritt


I think this is the first time the kids run on a track. Perhaps the mid-day sun was too harsh for them, they quickly retreated to the shades of the spectator's arena. Standing on the top steps, OO began to perform her "I wanna rock!!" song complete with moves, and demanded that I take a video of her.

After that they played at a friend's house and crashed in the car on the way home as usual. They woke up recharged and wanted to go to a playground after dinner. It's neat to see how the cautious OO is getting more agile and confident at tackling the play structures, while the fearless little A is already way ahead of her sister at the same age in this department. We both gasped in horror as little A climbed up the mini rock-climbing structure all by herself, but were relieved to see how well coordinated she is.

Again, I marvel at the differences of their developmental journey. I am thankful to be able to witness the metamorphosis of two beautiful children, of how personalities evolve and potentials blossom into abilities.

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