Smile on!

By Silverpritt


While we were having lunch, OO went to the back of the restaurant and discovered this very cool bar. She ran back in excitement and asked me to photograph her and little A.

I don't even think they know what being drunk means, as I'm sure they have not witnessed any inebriated individual. They must've gotten their acting genes from somewhere.

Kids rejoiced when we headed to the famous Gelato joint - the one that boasts over 200 flavors. OO was so overwhelmed that she started to sulk when she realized she didn't know where to start. I mean, how is it possible that a kid gets sad inside an ice cream store because there are too many choices?

In the end she settled for something, but she kept dipping into little A's bowl of bright-red, scary-looking, disgustingly sweet, half-melted goop. They seemed to enjoy making their lips and tongues bright red. Freaky looking indeed.

The sugar high sustained OO for 2 rounds of playground madness. Little A, on the other hand, crashed right away and napped for more than 2 hours in the car before she restored her strength for just one round of playground.

Thanks to my dear uncle, aunt and cousins for their help, or I wouldn't be able to deal with these 2 monkeys for a whole day by myself.

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