I headed out with Orla and Conor this morning to go to Mass. Conor fell asleep as soon as we left the house, so I phoned my mum and because she'd already been to chapel, she met me and took him, so Orla and I went on our own. The children's liturgy started again today. I asked Orla if she wanted to go and she said yes, and off she trotted. My cousin's 10 year old daughter immediately took her under her wing. It's funny how Orla will do something like this without hesitation, yet won't go into another room in the house by herself because she says she's scared. We don't think she's really scared, just wants the company.

By the time we came out and collected Conor, it was really warm and sunny. Ed had made a nice lunch so we walked back home and ate outside, until the wasps started to congregate and we were forced indoors! We let Orla relax and watch telly for a bit then headed out to a playground. Orla had her tea outside and a wee play in the garden with her dad, before bath and bed.

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