Maid in Wales

By welshmaid50

Park Slip Monument

At about 20 past eight on the 26th August 1892 my Great grandfather died in the The Park Slip Explosion. His name was Edward Albert Humphries and he was 21 years old. There was a massive underground explosion that shook the drift mine and the surrounding areas. It took two months to recover the last body and nearly 60 years before the fund supporting dependants was closed.
The morning of the 26th was particularly important to the miners as it was the day of the famous St Mary Hill fair. Of course, to go to the fair would mean losing a shift ; but the idea of spending a day in the sun and fresh air on a pleasant hilltop rather than in the dusty depths of the slip was certainly tempting. Not that a shift need be lost- but an obliging butty would sometimes exchange shifts. If my great grandfather had gone to the fair my family history might have been so different. It doesn't bear thinking about the way he would have died, as his body was retrieved from No.4 return which was deep in the mine. He was the 54th victim to be found and brought to the surface. My grand father also named Edward Albert was born a week after the disaster.We attend this memorial every year.
After the memorial we all went to the Parc Slip Nature Reserve for toast and coffee.It only opened on the 25th May so they agreed to open early for us this morning. We sat outside and watched the birds and dragonflies. It was a good start to a beautiful day.
This memorial is made up of 112 stones ,which is one stone for every miner. The water feature is switched on for special occasions. There is more information available online.
( Ein tadau, Ein Brodwr, Am Byth. )
( Our Fathers, Our Brethren, For Ever.)

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