
Ironing is a skill I learned while in the army many, many years ago. To be honest I haven't ironed anything for around 10 years, maybe longer. I am more of a wash and wear kind of guy. So why am I ironing a brand new business shirt? Sporting a dashing haircut? All will be revealed sometime soon.

Today has been a "battle the head cold" day. Not too busy at work but we were a staff memeber down which left me at the helm in prepress. So everything needed to be checked, double checked and triple checked. And yes, mistakes were found. But then that is what I do: find issues and fix them.

Jo and I took Jassy for a bush walk this afternoon. Thank goodness for Google earth. I spotted a piece of bushland recently from my boat and finally got around to finding a land based entry point. So we all went for a walk, Jo, Jassy and me. Jassy was in a state of mid-alert/anxiety but seemed to enjoy the walk enough so I will take her back there somwtime soon. I am determined to teach her to walk in daylight without having a nervous breakdown.

BTW, Jo told me not to ruin a $75 shirt.

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