Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Remnants of the Day

These flowers were a birthday gift last week from the lovely owners of the French villa where we vacationed. It was really nice to have them on my dining table, as a reminder of the wonderful week which already seems so long ago!

My daughters both went to school this morning. For my 16-yo, it was her first day at the international school. My husband picked her up early, though, so she could race to the airport where she caught a flight with two friends to Rome. I only got to briefly chat with her on the phone as she was boarding her plane. I was happy to hear she loved everything about her new school. She's since let me know they arrived safely and had gotten on the shuttle to the campgrounds where they'll be staying - but I've heard nothing more and she doesn't seem to have phone access now :( But of course, I know all is fine or one of the girls would have contacted me.

After a very long day playing catch-up back in the office for me, I then spent all evening making the travel and accommodation arrangements for my oldest daughter and husband to travel later this week to Scotland and tour several universities in Edinburgh and Glasgow. It should be a great trip and I'm very sad I can't go - but it's not possible to take more time off with my new job. If Marissa does chose to study in the UK - I'll find plenty of opportunities to visit - and there are a couple of you on Blip whom I'll need to meet up with!

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