Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude


It was a beautiful warm day....but I spent most of it in this ugly, cold building.

Well, the building's not technically cold - it's actually rather hot in my office, which has south-facing windows to the interior court. And I'm grateful for the sun those windows allow in, on the few day we have any here in NRW.

It's a bit ironic though, that my building doesn't have air conditioning (or green space, or anything that would render it remotely worker-friendly), and that we neither own nor manage it... considering that my employer's primary line of business is facilities management. Their claim to fame is the design of energy-efficient, sustainable workplace solutions that foster innovation by creating an ideal working environment. Yaddie, yaddie, yaddie...

And actually, I have to say in their defense, that the company is quite good at said mission. It's a bit like the cobbler's kids though, who have no shoes. We work for everyone else, except ourselves.

I feel the same way about my own work role. I now spend a significant part of my day engaged in social media on behalf of my company. Hence my own personal social channels are completely neglected. Posting to Blip is about the only thing I find any time for - and you can see the quality of photos has hit the gutter. And I have no time for commenting or responding. I'm truly sorry about that, as this is such a wonderful community.

My primary reason for joining Blip and the reason I need to maintain it, is so I can record my personal journey in some form. I enjoy following all your journeys as well, and will continue to try to at least post stars as often as I can, even when I can't comment. But as with many other sacrifices I must make to support my family, engaging online will be limited for sometime :(

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