
I took a photo a bit like this one last year, but that was part of all that antipodes business I was doing back then, and this is just a stand-alone, and I like walking around Melville Street anyway, so I'm having it. And it means I don't have to use a begoggled post-swim portrait, even though it did turn out a bit on the odd side side today, whereby I look like I've got a snout. Dunno how it came out like that really, a bit of an accident. Maybe to be repeated at a later date.

Anyway, had a bit of a mooch around town in a festival frame of mind for the last time today before life really does get back to normal tomorrow for definite. Had to go to the book festival to spend a voucher and then had to go to the nearby La P'tite Folie for a pretty great lunch afterwards. Sitting outside in the sun with really nice French food and a glass of wine was a fine way to put an end to all this swanning about. Until the girls said they wanted to go out for tea to celebrate their mum's birthday from the weekend properly so we did that as well. And now I can quite categorically state that I will not be eating or drinking or going out again for the next, erm, five days, when a set of grandparents arrive and the whole shebang starts again.

The Whole Shebang*

*I really don't like the movie at all that this track's from (and I've rewatched it at least a couple of times as well since first viewing just to see if I was wrong initially, but I wasn't!) However, some of the music does make me smile.

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