Pollen Spreader
This bumblebee spent the night on the marigold blossom, and I think it's because as it gets cold they just stay put. He was there in the evening, and when I got up, it was 36F, and he hadn't moved. Around 9 a.m. I put the plant in the sun and checked on him every 15 min. or so. In about a half hour or 45 min. I could see his little abdomen moving as he was breathing. It's like he was dormant and came to life. In another 15 minutes, he was gone.
This is similar to the blip of a few days ago, though it was a type of bee that sucks nectar, while this one collects pollen on its legs and body.
After seeing the behavior of these bees, I am curious to research and find out exactly what's happening. Maybe one of you can answer this question.
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