A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Giant candy floss attacks my boy

James has been a bit mopey the last couple of days. Was worried that he wa coming down with something, but it transpired that because he has been running around like a nutter for the past 2 weeks, and getting up relatively early, no matter how late he has gone to bed, he was just shattered.

So after a 2 hour siesta this afternoon, he woke up perky and back to normal.

Mum and I took him to the night market at Guardamar del segura this evening, because he wanted a candy floss and a play on the big park there. Had a pleasant couple of hours, mooching about, got henna tattoos as per our annual tradition and drank coffee in the cafe.

Just having a glass of vino tinto, then off to bed.

Hope everyone is doing OK. Will catch up on commenting again over the next couple of days. Corin managed to spend yesterday chilling out, but by tea time today he had found jobs to do - so he has been cleaning all of mums guttering out this evening!!! So I suspect I will have time to come and sit in front of the computer :-)

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