Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Garden Day

We've been out in the garden this afternoon. I am still not feeling 100% so I thought it was best to have an at home day. The mini pinks busied themselves with some craft, and tv, and playing this morning. After lunch they were getting a bit cranky though and not really settling at anything. The weather has been hot and sunny so I filled the paddling pool up. Well tried to. The big paddling pool had yet another puncture, meaning it would be more holey than a sieve, so I dragged the old baby pool out of the shed! It was enough to keep them happy and splashy for an hour or so. Amazing what some water does. Grandma popped round to bring vegetable supplies mid afternoon. We watched the skies fill with seagulls and other birds feasting on an explosion of flying ants. And we tried to count up how many butterflies were on the buddleia. This was one of them. It's been a fabulous year for butterflies and bees in the garden.

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