
By mrsc48

Todays trauma.

Today I had a trauma. Well actually the trauma began 2 - 3 weeks ago when I realised I had misplaced my gideon bible.

This is the bible you get from school in the first year of secondary. Although a while ago I knew my bible was missing it was only today the full trauma hit. I decided I needed it today and I couldn't find it.

This bible has my name in it and the year I was given it (2011) lol I'm lying was 1977. It is of great sentiment to me and the oval shape on the front cover is where my nail polish remover bottle was set on top of the book and melted the cover on the second night I had it.

I don't religiously read every day but now and again I feel the need to read passages in my bible and its been of use and comfort to me lately.

So my trauma today was real, it was missing, all the sentimental value overwhelmed me and the thought I couldn't find it sent me into a search that lasted all morning.

Of course it was everyone else fault, it had been put away somewhere I can't find it, it had been thrown out, it is in a box somewhere, It was on the kitchen table. So as a last resort I looked down the side of the chairs and sofa. guess what? It was there!

Who would put a bible down the side of he sofa? Probably me!

So big apologies to those in the way today and a vow to get my facts straight before I start moaning and twining.

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