A Secret About A Secret

By pixel8

British Touring Car Championships

I had an enjoyable day out today at the Touring Car Championships at Knockhill in Fife today.

It was an action packed day on the track featuring everything from Porsches, to Ginettas and Minis. The main event however was three heats of the Touring Cars which was quite spectacular and incredibly fast. Although resembling the type of car bought from your local dealer, these cars share very little in common other than the occasional door mirror or other minor part.

I didn't realise at the time, but the daughter of an old friend was driving in the Mini Championship. I bumped into him in the pits and ended up taking pictures of her with her car. It made me feel very old as last time I saw her, her mode of transport was a Mk 1 push chair! Since then she has achieved some considerable success in the Motor Sport world.

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