
By Houseonahill6

Come white horses

There are a few white horses and ponies in the field next to our house and they always remind me of the programme ' White horses' which I loved when I was little ,along with Lassie, Flipper, Skippy, Champion the wonder horse, The Lone Ranger and Black Beauty. I always wanted to ride but it was rather expensive . I did have a few lessons and rode a horse called Rob. He was a horse who had a mind of his own and when he wanted a drink of water he would be off.
I also looked after my friends horse Frith. We used to ride him in the field and again he once sped off with me on his back and threw me from the saddle trying to go over a jump. Happy days ! So as you can see I would rather look at them than be in the saddle.
I am still spooked by an episode of Black Beauty when ' Jenny' looked out the window one night and saw a skeleton looking up at her. The opening shots were filmed at Stockers Farm , Rickmansworth near to where we used to live.
Here is the opening sequence to White horses sang by Jackie Lee who also sang the song to Rupert the bear.Enjoy

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