
By Drumspick

The best bit of my day!

Short walk (after the dentist!) around St Andrews. Found a garden open for charity, it was tiny with a wonderful view over the sea and cliffs where the fulmar's were nesting and the young were calling for more food. As i went in to the garden there were two people wearing hijabs asking me about the garden. They followed me in. After i had done some drawing we passed time of day(great expression), we ended up having a very amusing time. What a laugh. They were quite charming. Mother and daughter. The mother was Iraqui and moved to UK 30yrs ago and the daughter was born in Scotland. They were lovely and seamed enthusiastic when i wanted to take photo of them.But as the camera was about to shoot, both looked away!
I wonder if i should have forced them to face the camera or just accept meekly my profile shots!! (I think i must challenge myself!)

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