Heath Robinson is alive and well....

...and living in Penrith.

It's only a matter of days since I was cussing JML© up hill and down dale, on account of their amazing gadgets no worky.

She who must be Obeyed rather fancied the idea of "Vac Pack"ing some of the bedding, to occupy a bit less space in The Wagon.
Problem:- Their in/outlet valve appears to be compatible with no known vacuum cleaner pipe: at any rate neither of our two.
I offered up the better fit of the two and 5 or more minutes later I'd given up and was lying on a board placed over the bag to try and exhaust a bit more air. Still 3-4" deep.

Today Herself attacked a well-known Yoghurt pot with a pair of scissors (Knowing full well I'd rescue her take the job over.

Got to admit the lass had a brainwave.
(Misprunt almost produced a "Brianwave").
When suitably jiggeried, with just a soupçon of pokery it yielded the Mk | Suckerupperer©.

Absolute magic, maybe not quite the seconds quoted in the T.V. advert but certainly a winner in the end: and a LOT less than 5 mins.

Top pic = Four un-sucked pillows on top of a bag containing a successfully sucked Duvet.
Centre pic = The same shot after applying the Suckerupperer.
Lower pic = The patent, Mk | Suckerupperer©.
You can, now, no longer see which brand of yoghurt was used in the manufacture.

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